Blockbuster Movie with a New Approach to Sustainability

Some great sustainability-related passages in this piece about the upcoming sequel to the highest-grossing film in history and its iconoclastic director and environmental champion, James Cameron. To wit:

“Cameron’s environmentalism goes well beyond the Hollywood standard — drive a high-end electric vehicle, write a check. He drives a 2013 Kia Rio because he says a small quality used car has less of a carbon footprint than a new electric car.”

“Cameron believes most of us are suffering from what he calls ‘nature deficit disorder,’ that our indoor, screen-bound, urban lifestyles have left us easily distracted and disconnected from our senses.

“I don’t define success and wealth as things, but as experiences between people and between us and nature and places — things that really feed you.” – James Cameron

“Avatar is the highest-grossing film, and it’s a movie that’s asking you to cry for a tree.” – James Cameron

“‘Avatar: The Way of Water,’ Cameron says, is not intended to make people fear climate change but to suggest, by way of choices made by the film’s Na’vi characters, some alternate paths forward. “We skipped from complete denial [of climate change] to fatalistic acceptance, and we missed the middle step,” he says. “The filmmaker’s role is not to make it all gloom and doom anymore but to offer constructive solutions.”

Full article here: